Chicken and Fish
I can't remember how long since I ate a fish (whole) with its body intact, you know...with its eyes 'glaring' at you while you're digging and tearing its flesh. Heh. Very long time ago...months! Well, not that I didn't have the opportunity to eat a fish, but it's been salmon, salmon and salmon - filet. So when the chef uncle was cleaning the (whole) fish in panda's kitchen, I was staring longingly (admiring) at the beauuuutiful body (the fish, not the chef uncle lah! :P), its scales being de-scaled away. I thought it's for the you know, business. But when I saw those fish, cooked, for our dinner, I was jumping in joy! Haha. Soooo happy! Mmmm...the whole kitchen smelled of the fish ;)
I wanted (so much) to drop everything I was doing - attending customers, and just sit there for our special dinner (fish and fried chicken wings to be eaten with sweet and sour sauce). Oh boy! I was so rushing, almost running in and out - dining room to kitchen, etc. Finally, the moment came. I was so moaning (tried not to be too loud about it :P). It's like having an orgasm. Haha! Oh yeah...kinda fishy. J and T (boss and coworker) said it's too fishy for them and they stopped eating the fish. B (the delivery guy) left because the dinner was served late. Hurrah! I got more to eat ;P So so so satisfied...
MmmmMMmmmm......... ;)
B called later, he's at Holy Frijoles (one of the cool bars we went to, weeks ago) at Hampden, having pizza and beer. There's some lesbians at the bar! ;) hahaha... I got so excited and I told him to come fetch me after my job's done (urgh, many side jobs to do...). He did. And so we went. Had half a Natty Boh (the Baltimore beer) in the car, u know...just to relax, chill-out and 'summon the courage'. Haha! It's illegal to drink in the car even though one's not driving but heck, we DID it!
There were some lesbians there. Pretty ones not many. I bumped into my theatre friend, Br. Gosh! Talked abit. He's gonna direct a Eve Ensler's play 'The Good Body' somewhere in the end of the year and he needs 10 women, from Towson University ;) He's kinda 'inviting' gals he wanna work with to audition for it. Well...let's see ;)
B and I saw one hot gal sitting at the bar, next to us. I was trying to get eye contact with her. We're both figuring out if she's gay. She touched her girl friend's back, stroked her shoulder, back... Whoaaa! Definitely gay! :P Taken? :S So we're both fighting for the same gal. What an intense fight. We even have a picture of it to prove it - us trying to kill each other with the tabasco sauce bottle (so wanted to break it, more dramatic. :P). We made the hot gal be our photographer. I was so 'chicken' I made B go and asked her to take our picture. Hehe... The backdrop of us is a picture of 2 women, naked - sculpture.
I followed her to the bathroom and waited for her outside the door. Br saw me sitting there alone, he came and talked to me. Gee! And then the hot gal came out, passed by me. Oh! Br really spoiled everything. That's my perfect moment to approach her and poof! gone... :(
We stayed until the bar closed. The hot gal and her girl friend were still sitting there. Okay...guess she's really very into her... Sadly, we went out. Went home. Kinda drunk...
There you go, my chicken and fish tale.
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