Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Have you ever played that spooky game that connects you and your playmates to spirit/ghost, where you can ask any kind of questions to him/her (the spirit/ghost)? I remember when I was in Form 1 (13th Grade), I used to play this with my classmates. It was scary!

It involves a paper where you draw a house (just a circle you trace with a coin, and you label it as 'home' in Chinese character) and a YES and NO. There are 2 types. One you play with a coin (large enough for the amount of player's fingers - each put a finger on the coin), and another, you play with a pencil (long enough for everyone to hold it). Then you 'call' the spirit (the coin/pencil is 'at home'), there are some...I forgot. It's a mantra...I forgot! Once you feel it (the coin/pencil) moving out from home, you could ask anything. Hey, it moved by itself! Everyone swore they didn't move it, there was a force! The most popular questions were about if so and so likes so and so, if so and so will be together with so and so, if so and so will have children and how many, you know...love and relationship and family stuff. And the coin/pencil will move itself to YES and NO. If playing with pencil, it would draw/write! And after you finished asking, you have to invite it back home. Throughout the time when the 'spirit is out' (not at 'home'), no one is allowed to remove his/her finger. They say the spirit would get angry and 'haunt'/'enter his/her body'...at the 'mistreatment' or disrespect. There were times the spirit/ghost just wouldn't go home, and you, we, have to persuade him/her to go home so we can remove our fingers and get back to class! :P

I wanna play this game again, and ask the above questions. Oh, it sounds ridiculous but I...I want to know. I could use some extra help from the spirits/ghosts. ;P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i played it too! it's called 'spirit of the coin/pencil'. very puzzling hor? we even drew out alphabets and numbers in circles around the paper, so that the 'spirit' can spell out the answers. hehehe... and we would even ask questions like where 'it' is now (with answers like 'to the right/left of so and so'). so spooky! dunno how true lar.

hey, u can try tarot cards. quite accurate, i've been told.

9/13/2005 01:32:00 AM  
Blogger artisticklytouch said...

spirits spirits of the coin, please come to us and be part of the game... was that the chant? hehehe i also cannot remember. played this long time ago in school.

tarot cards are good... it's because it says good things bout me hehehehe

9/13/2005 02:31:00 AM  
Blogger lotsachi said...


A, you played it as well? we used to 'invite chinese ghost', how bout u? ;P

9/13/2005 09:16:00 AM  

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