Saturday, July 23, 2005

Take a ride (with me)

A journey

Theatre is life is theatre

Who am I

Exploration and discovery

not an easy feat

Know yourself

Know myself

The drama of life

Who would comprehend

the darkest and brightest moments

the colorful moments

vivid memories

A mold to who I am today

Accept or deny

is another question

Embrace and ignore

differences that exist between individuals

Astonished at my courage

my boldness

my self-control

my letting-go

my discovery

Is it a dream or reality

Moments spent on grasping

Moments spent on enjoying

Live moment by moment

Should we

Can you see the journey

Can you see the destination

Is it worth it

Time goes by

Dream goes by

How can you let it slip

How did you get to be here

What was the moment

Waking up

looking forward to someone

What a cheerful day

what a way to start your day

Did you ever look back

How did you get to be here


to soothe

to slash

to console

to hurt

I'm sorry

Forgive me for the words said

forgive me for the words typed

forgive me for the words chosen

It's never ending

Things will never be the same again

Everything leads to you

a faint smell

a memory

your favourites

a color

an eye

a movement

a melody

a movement

Don't ask why

I'm questioning myself as well

How did we get to be here

Take a ride with me

take a detour with me

It hurts so deeply

No words to describe

the pain

the longing

the hope

Will there be a crossroad

Back in the days

where there were wonderful moments

We will never go back to before

there was a time

you were my sky

my earth

things will never be the same again

will it be?


You were once a friend

then a gf

now a gf with a space in between

so distant

so complex

unfathomable relativity theory

Stuff they didn't teach in school

Stuff they didn't touch upon at home

How am I to understand

All left are feeling and conscience

Can you accept it

It started out like a song

there's melody

there's harmony

with major and minor influences

it's like nothing went wrong


and while it's going along

we took for granted

things going


How do you connect two dots in space

a line

hundreds or perhaps thousands of dots

along the way

straight line

crooked line

points in between

before it reaches its destination

good things going between

happens for a reason

why should one grief

why should one feel hopeful

why should one feel remorseful

why should one feel a thousand emotions

What a journey

are you ready to take the ride (with me)?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing will be the same again
things change
everything is revolving
every hour, every minute, every second

where are we in all these?
why are we here?
what role do we play?
what do we do?

do we change as well?
accept it?
embrace it?

or do we resist?
turn away?
ignore it?
a choice?


7/24/2005 07:48:00 AM  
Blogger lotsachi said...

oh, nice. thank you, sue. grateful to have someone like you for support and encouragement...

7/24/2005 12:09:00 PM  
Blogger carinasuyin said...

Tonight I can write the saddest lines - Pablo Neruda

Take care, dear friend :)

7/26/2005 09:51:00 AM  
Blogger lotsachi said...

whoaaaaa...what a great poem. so touching. :'( u just wanna make me cry, don't u?

7/26/2005 06:21:00 PM  
Blogger carinasuyin said...

nolah, where got... was reading yours and it reminded me of that poem, tee hee.. thought you'd connect :)

7/29/2005 02:07:00 AM  
Blogger lotsachi said...

yeah, i felt the connection. thanks (boohooohooo...)

7/29/2005 10:38:00 PM  

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