Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Anxiety Attack

I think J must have gone crazy with my lil 'fashion parade' for these past 2 days. I just couldn't decide on what to wear tomorrow--Magdalen Hsu-Li Concert/Performance! I'd be one of the hostesses.

Should I wear this? That?
Should I cut my hair? Make it short and crazy like Shane in L Word?
Should I tie my hair or wear it down?


I 'ran' to Women's Center and expressed my undecidedness :P

Director: You're fine, wear something nice but no boobs or belly. Ahh, but then I haven't seen you wear anything boobies or belly before. Jeans is fine. You're already pretty, anything will be fine.

Me: *gasps* *blushes* *smiles* Okay...

Got a call today from the Women's Center. What? Dr F asked if I could introduce Magdalen. She later emailed me the 'script' ;P


I'm honored. Eh, the event is sponsored by Women's Center, LGBT Issues Committee, and Queer Student Union, and co-sponsored by other on-campus organizations. Well, this event is in conjunction with the Diversity Series on Race, Class, Gender & Sexual Orientation. Wonder why I'm picked... :P

Magdalen Hsu-Li is an internationally acclaimed singer/songwriter/painter and cultural activist. Chinese American. She's something like Tori Amos and Ani Difranco. Visit Magdalen Hsu-Li's website


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck, gal! and post lotsa photos of the event!

10/25/2005 11:48:00 PM  
Blogger carinasuyin said...

Chill, chi, chill! You'll do absolutely fine! Gua caya sama lu hehe :p Yeah, do blog the outcome okie? Would love to read about it :)

10/26/2005 06:00:00 AM  

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