Tuesday, October 11, 2005

National Coming Out Day

It's national coming out day here. Woohoo! And the QSU on campus is having their regular Tuesday meeting. Due to the special occasion and J's sincere PLEADING (for me to attend the meeting and meet more err...people), I went, alone.

The drag show after that was superbly fun, exciting, funny, sexy, and PACKED - full house! It's like a scene from 'the L word' or 'queer as folk'. I've never been so close to so many (dressed up) queers before! WOW! And the show was held on campus! WOW!!!


Did I meet someone? Err...no. But I went (and showed my face), came out *wide grin*.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

apa itu coming out day? then how come J begs u to go, but didn't go with u?

10/11/2005 11:21:00 PM  
Blogger lotsachi said...

coming out (from the closet). J is straight, not queer.

10/12/2005 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo... *nod*nod*

10/12/2005 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger artisticklytouch said...

i wish theres something like that here... senang sikit nak cruising hehehehe welcome home Chi... is isnt it good to feel out? im out! im out!

10/12/2005 12:59:00 AM  
Blogger lotsachi said...

hahaha... you're right, it's easier to 'pancing dalam kolam' rather than 'di tengah lautan';)

yup, out 'di kolam di tengah lautan'. hahaha...

10/12/2005 03:32:00 AM  

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